Hi, welcome to the forum. This posting has been moved to a more appropriate location.

Read here >> http://www.roversnorth.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2895

How to post photos in-line, rather than attaching them.

1. Go to any free photo hosting site like http://www.flickr.com or any other paid webserver photo posting service, like http://www.mac.com for instance.

2. Upload your photos.

3. After you upload your photo on your new webserver space, have the image you want on your browser (preferably the right sized one too) and right click (or control click on a Mac) on the photo, and "Copy Image Location".

4. Buzz over here to the RoversNorth forum and go to the thread you want to post the photo into. Or you can start a new thread, or "Quote", or "Reply" in an existing thread.

5. In the WYSIWYG editing box where you type the message, there are little icons across the top - click on and then paste in the "Copy Image Location" URL from step 4. This will "link" your photo (hosted on your webserver account) to the RoversNorth forum.

As for the LOC Box, I suggest you contact Mark directly at 1-800-403-7591.