Quote Originally Posted by greenmeanie
The trouble is that there is nothing to make contact inside the column at that point. On the late IIAs columns the steering shaft is supported by the bearing you can see at the very top of the column; on the early IIAs it is a bushing. After that there is nothing until you get to the bearing at the top of the box.

THis leads to one of two conclusions:
1. There is something that has worked its way into the shaft at that point.
2. Something is rubbing and because of the design of the column and it's support it sounds like it is coming from the point you describe.

From memory you can just pull that top bearing out and replace it. Make sure the preload spring is still good while your there. Is there any radial or axial play is the steering wheel? Another cheap thing to check is that the column mountings are tight, both at the bulkhead and in the engine bay.

One from left field here. Have you lubricated the indicator doohicky as mine sqeaked something fearsome until I sprayed some lube into the wheel housing?

Squeaks are rather hard to diagnose over the interweb.


PS. Your truck looks great with the truck cab.
I will attempt to pull out the bearing and replace it as well as the spring. But the squeak is definitly coming from inside the shaft where my finger is pointing. Bearing does not squeak at all...nor does the turn signal indicator wheel. I checked top and bottom mounting and they are tight. Steering column has no play whatsoever. Maybe once I get that bearing out I can get some WD or PB blaster down the steering shaft. It literally sounds like a squeaky old door....like the kind you see in haunted house movies or scooby doo episodes. I have a case of the haunted steering wheel shaft.

Oh and thanks for the compliment. I just need to get the back part of the truck cab painted to somewhat go with everything else. I've discovered the truck cab is great for summer with no windows as its just as cool as not having a top and keeps the sun off your head like a bikini top.