It has been about three weeks since I have driven my Rover. I have it in a storage warehouse (man cave). I have two other non rover projects, one just finished up and have been sorting it out the last couple of weeks.

This morning drove over to the cave, to switch out cars, Rover started up after about three tries, no problem, typical for sitting for quite some time. Pulled the car out, and noticed significant fluids running down the engine compartment leaving a trail as I backed up. Got out and realized that this was fuel. Drove it back in, turned off the car, tried to figure out where it was coming. As I was not prepared to crawl under the rover (I know, we should always be prepared to crawl under these trucks), I just took a quick look, and figure it is coming from the glass fuel filter.

Are these readily available? When I drove it into storage, everything was running fine. What could have gone wrong during the three weeks sitting idle? It has gotten very warm over the past several weeks, with outside temps of mid 90's, so I assume it was probably warmer in the warehouse. Could this have contributed to this problem?