I purchased a 1965 Series IIa 88" in Batavia, IL in January. It had been fully and authentically restored in ~2000 and then driven very little. When the seller went to get it 'ready for sale' the Solex needed a rebuild. He chose to quickly purchase a Weber from RN and install it to help get the vehicle running. I had the truck shipped to a highly regarded vintage, English vehicle specialist shop in Tennessee in late Jan. They went through the entire vehicle to return it to reliable running condition (new fuel tank, swivel balls, various seals, all fluids replaced, etc., etc. (I didn't receive the vehicle until mid-March, so it was very thorough...) Their only complaint was the Weber. The 2.25 petrol doesn't want to accelerate well, doesn't want to start easily when warm, and the vehicle wants to diesel went shutting down. As I recall from our discussion, the mechanic who has worked on the vehicle thinks part of the issue is a vacuum differential between this and the Solex in operation with the distributor. He is anxious to return the Solex to operation. (This is a shop that works on nothing but antique and unique vehicles and I think this mechanic's experience is worthy of consideration.) I've sent the Solex to Charles Kellog at Dare Brittania for him to do a detailed rebuild and will have it installed later this spring/summer. I'll report back with the differences, if any, between it and the Weber.