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View Full Version : What to do with 1+ series 2a's?

10-18-2010, 07:26 PM
Last month I reclaimed a 64 2a diesel from east tennessee. My father purchased it new. I'm interested in the vehicle because it is a rover and also because of the family attachment to it. My siblings have drunk the cool-aid too so it is fun for us. With the help of a mechanic it is now running, but needs plenty of additional work. This is a project I hope to begin in the next 2 months, as I line up a workspace. On the trip up from Tennessee, we stopped in Nyack, NY overnight. A bypasser admiring my rover, insisted I come see his two rovers, an 88 & 109. Wonderful guy...... loves rovers. Turns out the 88 is a twin to mine- 1964, even the same color. The owner gives us some parts he doesn't need and wishes us well. His 88 is in good shape body-wise, but was gutted years ago with a PO putting in a chevy engine and jeep transmission. needs muffler and brake work.....been parked two years.We remain in touch...long story short he will sell his rover to me for $1000. INcluding a full roof rack. He was joking "roof rack for sale- rover included. Seems like good deal as a source for parts.

I will bring this rover to VT in the next month. So I'm the proud owner of 2 rovers..... and:
1- I'm a newbie to this auto repair stuff (advice appreciated).
2- My inclination is to take everything that can be used of the Nyack rover and move it onto mine......internals like brake and clutch cylinders. My vehicle has been sitting for 27+ years so I'm sure there are some/many components that should be of use to me, not the least of which is a right wing and sill. & Radiator breakfast on the donor car is much better. Are there guidelines or suggestions people can offer in how to approach a project with a donor?
I think my bulkhead and frame may be better, though that is not certain. Though the Tennessee rover has more surface rust on bulkhead, breakfast and hinges............
I've posted a photo of each

3- What do I do with parts left over from the project? I assume that there will be some parts I should elect to keep, but which are they? And should the left overs be re-installed on the donor car and then sold as one unit?

I figure that by understanding how I will unite these two vehicles, I will have abetter chance of focusing on the actual mechanical details.....

10-18-2010, 08:21 PM
Combining the best of the two into one is a good idea and it's all interchangeable. The frame and bulkhead are the main two issues as they are the only steel and the most prone to rust. You got some nice bits between the two so you could end up with a very nice 88.

Stock up on PB Blaster to help loosen those old bolts, stock up on some patience (always in short supply) and some good coveralls.

With both of those I'd start with good cleanings, watch out for critters.

About the leftover parts??? Spread the karma forward and pass them along to another roverfile.

10-18-2010, 08:35 PM
I would be interested in pics on how the Chevy was put in.

10-18-2010, 08:41 PM
I would be interested in pics on how the Chevy was put in.

It will be a few weeks, but I'll post pictures when I get the truck.

10-18-2010, 08:42 PM
There are sure to be some parts that you never even realized are no longer available that you just scooped up for pennies by grabbing that donor vehicle. If it were me, I would canibalize the entire donor for every unsiezed bolt, washer, and nut you can scavenge. Make it a project for your kids, and buy a case of ziplock bags and an indelible marker. Make them label and store each one, and you will have a wonderful collection of spares.

10-19-2010, 04:46 AM
I agree with Stomper and Wanderer, brake the donor, save everything you have space for. I think this is the key,do you have dry storage?Parts will last half as long sitting in a pile outside as opposed to still on the donor some what protected.
You will find what looks like rusted old parts for you will be treasured parts for other. And you to will probably be on the wanting end of things as well.
Be careful! I started with one ,now have two,and am in negociations for six others . My names Sean and I'm a Roverholic! Have fun with your projects

10-19-2010, 05:45 AM
One picture of each surely isn't sufficient to form an opinion on what to do with either, but I wouldn't scrap one for the other if the bulkhead and frame are reasonable. One can never have too many Rovers, and they both look like resto candidates. There are very few parts that you absolutely can not get. There are a lot of people here in the NE who have been doing this for so long, we've accumulated pretty good stashes.

10-19-2010, 07:04 AM
One picture of each surely isn't sufficient to form an opinion on what to do with either, but I wouldn't scrap one for the other if the bulkhead and frame are reasonable. One can never have too many Rovers, and they both look like resto candidates. There are very few parts that you absolutely can not get. There are a lot of people here in the NE who have been doing this for so long, we've accumulated pretty good stashes.

I have a junk rover full of junk parts thats been prepped to go to the junk yard at some point in time. That said I still find oddball pieces that I need to pull out of it.

10-19-2010, 07:08 AM
I would wait till I had them both side-by-side before trying to figure out how to proceed. Anything can be unbolted from one and bolted to the other pretty easily.

You mentioned brake components in your original post--I personally wouldn't cannibalize brake hydraulic components (MC, wheel cyls., hoses, etc) from one for the other. It just doesn't make sense when new components are cheap and plentiful and you KNOW they'll function correctly and without the inevitable leakage. Why do the job twice?

10-19-2010, 08:28 AM
nice looking rig