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View Full Version : Wrong Rochester Carb?

12-10-2010, 03:57 PM
I spent some time on Terri Ann's site, but just to confirm ...

I grabbed a Rochester B for $14 a few months ago, but if it doesn't have the extra collar (horn) on top of the inlet, is it the incorrect version?
(I understand that it wouldn't work as well with the elbow, but if it were right venturi-wise, I could easily figure out a workaround)

I'll post a pic this weekend for additional confirmation.

12-11-2010, 11:02 AM
There were over a hundred one-barrel GM Rochester carb variants made over a 30 year period. The conventional wisdom is that you want a model BV for your Land Rover with a 31 mm venturi.

The height of the top casting (which I think is what you're talking about) is taller in the earlier carbs made for the smaller displacement GM straight six.

The engine family increased in displacement in later years, and I presume the venturi size increased with it. The top casting got more squat. You might have one with no rise off the top casting in which case you will either have to adapt a GM air cleaner or get an earlier carb. But venturi size is still important. Luckily these carbs were so numerous that plenty of resources and info is out there.

If it's the right size, you need a way to fit the Land Rover air cleaner elbow to the carb, go to Home Depot's plumbing section and find a rubber double female slip connector of the right size and you should be good. I like my Rochester. Waaaay better than a Zenith and simpler than a Weber. Better freeway performance (but thirstier), good offroad, and parts are everywhere.