View Full Version : Orvis Update

12-11-2010, 07:53 PM

$106,800 and 70 bids.

Looks like the bidding has leveled off. It's only climbed $800 over the last month, I believe. Definitely looking forward to see what it finally closes at (bidding ends in 8 days). Perhaps some last minute sniping will boost it by another $5K or so.

I think this is the highest one of the Orvis trucks has gone for?? Wasn't the last one in the $60K range.

12-12-2010, 11:00 AM

$106,800 and 70 bids.

Looks like the bidding has leveled off. It's only climbed $800 over the last month, I believe. Definitely looking forward to see what it finally closes at (bidding ends in 8 days). Perhaps some last minute sniping will boost it by another $5K or so.

I think this is the highest one of the Orvis trucks has gone for?? Wasn't the last one in the $60K range.
Amazing. Who ever is bidding that obviously hasn't owned one before... nor understands what spending ~$20K on top of a not-so-bad $25k version would buy him....

12-12-2010, 01:27 PM
Yeah, I agree that the smart money might be on a functional rig with a great paint job for a lot less. But the Orvis buyer will be someone looking for a completely original yet completely 'new' vehicle.

I am not that buyer and initially, had the same gut reaction given the dollars involved. But some good points about this were made in the earlier thread on Lanny's truck. Worth a read.

At this point, I'm more curious than anything what this will finally go for. Somewhere they'll be a very happy hedge fund manager!


12-12-2010, 07:22 PM
Wow and I was bummed that I had to pay $2500 for my 63 109 with a rebuilt motor...

12-14-2010, 07:22 AM
That's only 37 times what it was when it was new:


According to the ad, the restoration is still in progress. For that amount of money I would expect more photos of the restoration. I see two different frames, one galvy and one painted, air intake hose that looks used, and dirty springs. Personally, I would not offer something for sale and state what condition it will be in when its ready, restore than auction. I would definitely demand an inspection before I turned over $106k.