View Full Version : New Block search begins

01-05-2011, 12:36 PM
Sometime between now and spring, I'll be looking for a 2.25 block. There's virtually no chance I'll be (able to afford) buying anything off the shelf from our hosts or other similar sources. As some of you may have read I have a repaired cracked block in my 74 SIII, and while the repair is doing OK for now (weeping a tiny bit of coolant still) and I might be able to do a better (permanent?) repair if I got back in there in the spring, I'd still like to start work on building a new engine - even if it becomes a longer-term project (don't they all?). So any hints on resources for a block would be welcome. My biggest dilemma is that I live in the middle of the Midwest, fairly well isolated from the centers of American Roverdom. So getting it here reasonably, might be the biggest challenge. I'll keep checking Rover Exchange and here and there for possibilities, too. And there are a couple of pockets around this part of the Midwest that might pay off.

I Leak Oil
01-05-2011, 01:18 PM
Yorker had a block for sale recently.

01-05-2011, 01:26 PM
Yorker had a block for sale recently.

if your not interested in that I might step in line...

01-05-2011, 01:29 PM
I have a block in my junk rover that anyone is welcome to take and I have a whole engine somewhere that is pretty much up for grabs. Maybe give me some money for scrap value but I don't really think these old 2.25 motors are worth paying much for unless they are all ready to drop in and run.

01-05-2011, 03:08 PM
Check singing camel...he does rover restorations in Iowa. I think he's located not far from cedar rapids, IA. He may have one sitting around.

01-05-2011, 03:19 PM
I have 2, however i dont think i could ship it. I tried that with an axle and apparently i suck at it.

01-05-2011, 03:23 PM
is that the axle I was trying to buy? :confused: (end hijack)

01-05-2011, 09:00 PM
Sometime between now and spring, I'll be looking for a 2.25 block.

I'm in the process of doing an engine swap. Non issue if you want mine. I'm not that far from you.

01-06-2011, 10:25 AM
is that the axle I was trying to buy? :confused: (end hijack)

That it is, that it is.......

I am going to talk to someone today who may be able to help me get if off to you.

My personal logistical abilities suck.

01-06-2011, 10:54 AM
Gunny, Gunny just deligate to someone else.
Jim Wolf