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View Full Version : Crankshaft rear oil seal woes

01-07-2011, 09:01 AM
So I am in the process of replacing the rear oil seal (removed my transmission)
I bought a new oil seal retainer, new oil seal and new T seals.

During the oil seal installation. I grease up the oil seal (the entire thing is covered in grease) I put the spring on then slip the spring back into the oil seal then push into the crankshaft

During the installation of the oil seal retainer I turn the engine to get each bolt in. I check to see that seal is pressed up against the crankshaft and it is

I put the rear main bearing cap on and begin to tighten each both I notice that the engine becomes extremely hard to turn.

I got a mirror out and looked to see if the seal was bulging out of the retainer, but it is not.

Concerned that the engine is extremely hard to turn, I take it all back apart and the seal looks fine and go thru the installation steps again -- > engine is extremely hard to turn.

I screwed up the first seal (a 1/4 of the seal had escaped from the split oil seal) I believe it was caused by turning the engine and the seal getting pinched. (I bought 2 more seals from our hosts, just in case)

So my question is, as I tighten the seal should it be very hard to turn the engine?

What am I getting stuck on which makes it so difficult to turn the engine?

I Leak Oil
01-07-2011, 10:02 AM
Did you mark the bearing cap before you took it off and did it go back on the same way?

01-07-2011, 12:28 PM
The pegs are facing towards the transmission on the rear main bearing cap and the black plastic/ rubber section of the oil retainer is facing the engine block.

The oil seal seam is facing the engine block with the spring being inside of the seam.

The main bearing halves did fall out and I had to put the top and bottom back in, so I put just the rear main bearing cap back on without the retainer and the engine spun just fine.

I have to be missing something really easy.

01-07-2011, 05:59 PM
i just did this same repair a week ago. i did not notice any real difference in the before and after resistance.
i did have to very carefully put the halves together. First couple of times the upper half did not completely contain the seal, sort of pushed it sideways as the halves were pushed together.

good luck

01-08-2011, 04:27 PM
So I am in the process of replacing the rear oil seal (removed my transmission)
I bought a new oil seal retainer, new oil seal and new T seals.

During the oil seal installation. I grease up the oil seal (the entire thing is covered in grease) I put the spring on then slip the spring back into the oil seal then push into the crankshaft

During the installation of the oil seal retainer I turn the engine to get each bolt in. I check to see that seal is pressed up against the crankshaft and it is

I put the rear main bearing cap on and begin to tighten each both I notice that the engine becomes extremely hard to turn.

I got a mirror out and looked to see if the seal was bulging out of the retainer, but it is not.

Concerned that the engine is extremely hard to turn, I take it all back apart and the seal looks fine and go thru the installation steps again -- > engine is extremely hard to turn.

I screwed up the first seal (a 1/4 of the seal had escaped from the split oil seal) I believe it was caused by turning the engine and the seal getting pinched. (I bought 2 more seals from our hosts, just in case)

So my question is, as I tighten the seal should it be very hard to turn the engine?

What am I getting stuck on which makes it so difficult to turn the engine?

Any chance your just on the compression stroke? Meaning the engine turned easily because you were on the exhaust stroke and now your compressing air in one of the cylinders? Pull all the spark plugs out and see if that makes it easier.