View Full Version : One Man, One Wrench - My New Chassis

Apis Mellifera
06-13-2011, 09:05 PM
Truth be told, I have more than one wrench, but I am re-framing my truck all by myself. Honestly, I haven't worked out how I'm going to get through a few stages, but I'll figure it out when I get there.

Here's my Richard's fresh off the boat from England by way of New York and WV:

Notice the two cops talking in the background. The shoddy wiring meant no brakes or indicators could be used as we left the freight yard. They didn't follow.

Day One: Today I was able to work for two hours. I got the rear axle installed and gas tank removed from old chassis:



06-13-2011, 09:15 PM
Good luck Apis. No worries If I could do it anybody could:thumb-up:

06-13-2011, 10:04 PM
Good luck Apis. No worries If I could do it anybody could:thumb-up:
Agreed - look forward to watching the progress - not doubt it'll be impressive.

Best of luck Matt,

06-14-2011, 12:11 AM
Yeah, this will be a fun thread to follow... And Apis, nice MGA!

06-14-2011, 09:16 AM
Good luck and have fun!!

Apis Mellifera
06-14-2011, 08:22 PM
Day Two: Spent three hours this evening. Removed front wings, breakfast, radiator, and front axle. I now have a rolling chassis. Here's a bit of trivia: hitting the heel of your hand full power with a rubber mallet produces a dull lasting ache.





06-14-2011, 09:35 PM
Real men do it in the driveway!
Garages are for wimps.

06-15-2011, 03:09 AM
someday my frame and mga coupe will look like that.

06-15-2011, 07:26 AM
I love a good frame swap!

06-15-2011, 09:55 AM
wow, Apis you make it look easy!

06-15-2011, 03:35 PM
someday my frame and mga coupe will look like that.

Someday my driveway will look like that . . .

Apis Mellifera
06-15-2011, 08:52 PM
Day three: Two and a half hours spent removing floors, gearbox tunnel, seats, seat box, and hitch. Bulkhead and body unbolted/cut and ready to lift off.


What the rear of the chassis should look like:

What the (homemade) rear of my old chassis looks like:

I knocked off early this evening to watch some trains go by.

By far the most time consuming task thus far has been the removal of the hitch. I've intentionally not shown the poor condition of the old chassis. I'm saving that until it's stripped, but I will say that the rear is obviously not original. The center section is a length of 3/8" steel channel. A PO welded the hitch to this channel and it took me two attempts and several cutoff wheels to get it off. The bulkhead also put up a fight. The long bolts on the bottom were rusted in place. While cutting off the driver side, I got fragged by a disintegrating cutoff wheel. In the end, nothing but gravity is keeping the body on now.

06-15-2011, 10:11 PM
I knocked off early this evening to watch some trains go by.


Gotta make time to watch the trains in life, it's not a rehearsal. Good stuff...

06-16-2011, 05:42 AM
Boy, I wish I had a toy box like that! very nice:thumb-up:

06-16-2011, 05:53 AM
Boy, I wish I had a toy box like that! very nice:thumb-up:

My thoughts exactly!!

06-16-2011, 07:21 AM
Wow, I have 2 young kids as well, and the only time I could find to work on my Rover was between 8pm and 1am (assuming I wanted to get a few hours of sleep before going to work the next day).

Apis Mellifera
06-16-2011, 12:15 PM
I made the toy box for my son thinking it would be big enough to hold all his stuff. I forgot about the "grandma factor" - it's full.


I have a few hours in the evening I can work. I skip dinner and get some work done while the family eats. I try to finish by bath time. Fortunately work like this and the work schedule is not the norm. This evening my wife has her women's Bible study, so I'll be wrangling our son. Unless I can get him to lift the body off, the Rover (and I) will take a break today. We might go for a bike ride which will let me ponder the body removal process.

LR Max
06-16-2011, 12:24 PM
After reading this thread, I believe that once you finish the rover, you'll have everything.

Keep it up and good luck!

06-16-2011, 09:50 PM
Here's a bit of trivia: hitting the heel of your hand full power with a rubber mallet produces a dull lasting ache.

...and kicking breaker bars with the inside heel on your work boot (arch of your foot) can also provide such lasting reminiscences of a good days labor. :o

Looks like fun

06-17-2011, 05:45 AM
you lok like you have a good plan of attack, but I assume since you are going to be lifting the body yourself, that you will be removing the roof and sides next, and then the tub and bulkhead can be moved separately onto the new chasis. I have seen people use a lift to set the complete body up off the ground, and then roll the new chasis under and then lower the complete unit back down though.

06-17-2011, 09:34 AM
Apis - do you have an engine hoist? They're so cheap, it would be worth it to hit harbor freight or Torin. Would allow you to lift the bulkhead using a 2x4 between the windscreen eyelets (someone's rebuild has such a picture, maybe Jeff's??). And you can run heavy washers/eyelet style bolts through the tub supports to remove the tub using chain. Pic below. End of my free advice you didn't ask for.

Apis Mellifera
06-17-2011, 01:10 PM
Oh, I appreciate any advice I get - especially from those that have done these types of jobs.

I do have an engine hoist. I bought it the first time I pulled the gearbox. In the past, I have extended the arm to allow for placement of spare engines on shelving units in my garage. It's worked a treat today, since most of the pieces are cumbersome rather than heavy.

I've taken today off from work (the paying work) and have spent the morning working on the Rover. I'm home alone and have been able to make quite a bit of progress. Thus far:

The doors were removed, then the top, then the tub, then it rained and I covered the mess up with tarps, then the rain stopped as the last tarp was unfolded, so then I removed the bulkhead and then decided to take a break. As it sits, the only thing left attached to the old chassis is the engine and gearbox. After lunch, I'll pull that and install it in the new chassis.

I will post pictures this evening. Many Thanks for the kind words. I will be breathe a sign of relief when this is finished.


06-17-2011, 04:35 PM
A twelve pack and a friend or two will also easely remove/replace a tub as well :cheers:

Apis Mellifera
06-17-2011, 04:38 PM
Day four. I spent a total of seven hours today finishing the strip down and now the engine/gearbox is bolted into the new chassis. The new stainless hardware just arrived so tomorrow I will hopefully reassemble the truck. The top has black mastic on the roof from the headliner. While it's off, I'll have a go at removing it.








06-17-2011, 04:46 PM
You are a speed demon!

Apis Mellifera
06-18-2011, 08:10 PM
Day five. I worked seven hours today between rain showers and got most of the truck back together. I still have a few odds and ends like wiring and brakes, but the hard work is done. There is one job that has to be the worst part of fitting a new chassis. Anyone care to guess what seemingly easy job is giving me fits?



06-19-2011, 05:47 AM
My guess is the hardest part is not to attempt to redo and clean up everything "while you are there". That would be the hardest part for me, especially after seing some of the restorations that have been posted on here.

Looking great! you should have it up and running again in another day or two!:thumb-up:

06-19-2011, 07:04 AM
My guess is the hardest part is not to attempt to redo and clean up everything "while you are there". That would be the hardest part for me, especially after seing some of the restorations that have been posted on here.

Looking great! you should have it up and running again in another day or two!:thumb-up:

always the hardest part me for as well..
the questions "where to stop" often comes into play..

I dont know how to listen and thats how my rover happened :sly:

06-19-2011, 07:53 AM
I dont know what you guys are talking about .You have to go into the project with an objective . For instance , clutch replacement, get in , and get out before you are a$$ deep in a rebuild that you have no bussiness getting involved in at the time. Focus,thats all, focus :D
Great job Apis !!!!

06-19-2011, 08:00 AM
I dont know what you guys are talking about .You have to go into the project with an objective . For instance , clutch replacement, get in , and get out before you are a$$ deep in a rebuild that you have no bussiness getting involved in at the time. Focus,thats all, focus :D
Great job Apis !!!!

Sh**, I almost choked on my breakfast laughing at that. Thanks :D

Apis Mellifera
06-19-2011, 01:34 PM
I'm very much "get the job done", so I haven't fallen into the "while I'm at it" trap. Although, I'm doing a complete brake rebuild and I discovered that the right side swivel pin/bushing is worn. I noticed a big camber change while jacking up the front.

The job that has thus far bested me is the removal of the two long bolts that attach the bulkhead to the chassis. In my case, this means drilling out. I've broken/burned a half dozen bits so far. Fortunately, I stocked up on 1/8th inch, but it's a long way up to 1/2.

06-19-2011, 02:08 PM
I know what you mean about trying not to do everything, but I could never reinstall a rusty bulkhead on a new chassis. If it is solid I would have sent it out for galvanizing. That is why when I repaint my chassis this summer I am not disassembling anything.

06-19-2011, 05:38 PM
Map gas? That's worked on many a bolt for me. Looks like you've got it on, so are you saying they are seized inside the bulkhead? If so, I'd still use heat and a punch.

06-20-2011, 06:13 AM
I'm very much "get the job done", so I haven't fallen into the "while I'm at it" trap. Although, I'm doing a complete brake rebuild and I discovered that the right side swivel pin/bushing is worn. I noticed a big camber change while jacking up the front.

The job that has thus far bested me is the removal of the two long bolts that attach the bulkhead to the chassis. In my case, this means drilling out. I've broken/burned a half dozen bits so far. Fortunately, I stocked up on 1/8th inch, but it's a long way up to 1/2.

When you're putting it back together replace them with stainless steel bolts. I did. I'm sure I'll love me for doing it when I swap the frame shortly.

Apis Mellifera
06-20-2011, 07:20 PM
I've attached a load of pictures that basically shows why I needed to do this. I knew the chassis was bad, but I didn't realize how bad. The rear had been patched many years ago with a piece of steel channel and two plates. The outriggers were either patched or just rotted away. There are many holes throughout and the metal in the areas that look OK is so thin that I'm surprised the whole thing didn't collapse - especially considering a few months ago I carried 1200 pounds of topsoil in the back.

I was able to start the truck today and once the brake parts arrive, I'll be back on the road.

PS: The old chassis is free to anyone that wants it. Location is 25177













Apis Mellifera
06-20-2011, 07:22 PM








06-20-2011, 10:07 PM
I've attached a load of pictures that basically shows why I needed to do this. I knew the chassis was bad, but I didn't realize how bad. ......





Wow, it certainly didn't look like it would have that kind of deterioration under the way the rig looked - lucky you hadn't ran into issues prior...

good call for sure on the swap, and great to see the progress...


06-20-2011, 11:10 PM
Ah... that frame don't look too bad (snicker / snicker)

One serious question, I saw that the old frame still had the wiring harness threaded through it (at least the back portion). What did you do about wiring harness and brake lines with the new frame? Those are the little things that get me side-tracked with shipfitter's disease.

Apis Mellifera
06-21-2011, 06:03 AM
New kunifer brake pipes are on order and the wiring was removed and installed the same way in the new chassis.

I discovered a severely worn swivel pin and bush on one side so there have been things that have cropped up, but the plan from the start was to get the job done as quick and cheap as possible.

06-21-2011, 11:04 AM
Crap. thats one Holy frame, did the Pope bless it?

Mine is no where that bad, but i am in the process of going through the same thing right now.

Only problem is that i have lost my motivation due to fishing season.

Really really got to get back out in the shed.....

06-21-2011, 08:45 PM
Nice! Thanks for the pics and the info.