View Full Version : Locking Anitburst Latch

09-21-2011, 09:30 AM
Since the rebuild I have never bothered to lock the doors... No idea why, just never tried. Chalk it up to small town mentality.

Now that I live in the big city, I am wanting to lock the doors. I slide the little lever and shut the door, but it doesn't lock. And a good thing too, because I don't have the key.

Before I pay for shipping and change out the locking barrels, I wanted to ask what makes the doors lock? In one latch a little spring feel out...not sure what that was.

Has anyone rebuilt a latch before?

09-21-2011, 10:04 AM
IMO...don’t bother locking... just makes the glass the path of least resistance..

learned this from about 3-4 Jeep super top side windows...
just get a locking something if you need to keep valuables in the truck.

Out of the ordinary things are a magnet for this kind of mischief

09-21-2011, 10:46 AM
From experience, the best thing to do is not leave anything of value inside your vehicle. It wasn't in my LR but a 1984 BMW 528e. Small window in rear door was broken to unlock it and take a radio with no faceplate. Front doors weren't locked at the time. Guess he didn't have time to check all the doors or assumed they were locked.

When/if you do put the locks in keep them lubed, one of mine froze up and broke when i tried to unlock it. The small slide lever on the inside will only lock if the door is close all the way (2clicks).

09-21-2011, 12:04 PM
I was also used to leaving mine unlocked, until someone stole my state inspection sticker. They left the tow straps and Hi-Lift, so call it a crime of inconvenience...

09-21-2011, 03:56 PM
Have you tried locking it with your key from outside? My driver's door would never lock if I flipped the lever and then shut the door but locked fine with the key.

Andrew IIA
09-21-2011, 05:01 PM
Have you tried locking it with your key from outside? My driver's door would never lock if I flipped the lever and then shut the door but locked fine with the key.
Just went out to investigate this. All of my anti-burst latches (3) work like this way: if you set the interior lever to 'lock' it will snap back to the open position when you shut the door.

I generally lock my 88" when I'm out in public (don't want my dogs to get stolen).

09-21-2011, 06:56 PM
you guys and your modern convinces....locks! Ha! what will they think of next?

09-21-2011, 11:07 PM
Just went out to investigate this. All of my anti-burst latches (3) work like this way: if you set the interior lever to 'lock' it will snap back to the open position when you shut the door.

I generally lock my 88" when I'm out in public (don't want my dogs to get stolen).

So, your locks do not work from the inside...but if you lock it with the key from the outside it worked fine?

Andrew IIA
09-22-2011, 07:45 AM
So, your locks do not work from the inside...but if you lock it with the key from the outside it worked fine?
Oh no. Miscommunication. My locks work from the inside fine.

The way to lock from the outside is to use the key; i.e. if your standing outside your open driver's door, say, and then flip the interior lock lever and then shut the door, the lock lever will return to the open position = door unlocked. same on all my doors. (although you could reach in an open window and lock the closed door(s) with the interior lever also).

So when I get somewhere and want to lock the truck up i usually lock the passenger door from the inside (just reach over), exit the truck and close the driver's door and then lock it with the key and then lock the rear door with the key. Sounds like a lot of work but it not.

clear as mud :)

09-22-2011, 10:28 AM
My guess here it that it prevented you from inadvertently locking yourself out and that you can only lock the door from the outside with a key.

09-22-2011, 11:08 AM
thrill seeking teens love to nik soft top rovers. they see opportunity and reach in to a vehicle, fast. Good advice NOT to leave anything of value inside. If it must be, get a good locking box, and bolt it to the floor. My personal form of opposition, never go anywhere the car is out of sight, and leave an 80 pound pit bull sitting in the front. Never a problem. cheers.

09-22-2011, 01:10 PM
Leave nothing inside. If you're really worried about theft get Lo Jack and/or an easy to remove car boot. OR do what I do: Leave the xfer case in neutral and bring the steering wheel inside with you. It's easy to remove, but hard to drive without.

09-22-2011, 02:42 PM
...do what I do: Leave the xfer case in neutral and bring the steering wheel inside with you.


09-22-2011, 02:47 PM
Is that a pick up line you use Tony? I can see you going into a bar, and handing the cute female bartender your steering wheel and saying "would you mind holding this for me?":thumb-up:

09-23-2011, 07:48 AM
thrill seeking teens love to nik soft top rovers. they see opportunity and reach in to a vehicle, fast. Good advice NOT to leave anything of value inside. If it must be, get a good locking box, and bolt it to the floor. My personal form of opposition, never go anywhere the car is out of sight, and leave an 80 pound pit bull sitting in the front. Never a problem. cheers.

I found that I don't even have to shut the door....

09-24-2011, 10:48 AM
If your worried about joyriders, install either a valve in the fuel line or a hidden electrical master switch. I have a friend who recovered his Mk 1 AH Sprite after he installed an under-dash switch in the SU pump circuit. The police caught up with the thieves pushing his car down the street two blocks from his house after it ran out of gas.