View Full Version : Twin Wheel cylinder front brakes

01-18-2013, 02:50 PM
Hey everybody,
Well i have no less than three hard copy repair manuals AND I have downloaded some service parts manuals, but nothing I have seen shows a diagram of the front brake cylinders/shoes/springs set up.

I have new drums, cylinders, shoes, springs, etc ready to install, but like a knuckle-head, I tore everything down without taking pics of which springs go where and how it should look when it is back together.

Can anybody help? Pics? Diagrams?

THANKS in advance for helping with my first project on "Carol".


01-18-2013, 05:43 PM
Ok, i guess the shoes came with "extra" springs because the front only uses the two per side. Sooooo, are there any tricks to getting the springs back on without taking the hub off?


01-18-2013, 06:04 PM
I have new drums, cylinders, shoes, springs, etc ready to install, but like a knuckle-head, I tore everything down without taking pics of which springs go where and how it should look when it is back together.

I no longer have front drums on my 109 but I did write a note on assembly and have a picture. These might help some.

The front shoes are identical. The spring mounts through the same hole on each shoe. Spring mounts on back side of shoe. Fit spring to shoe, offer up spring and shoe to spring peg on back plate, set tapered end of shoe to brake piston slot then lever blunt end of shoe into slot at base of the other wheel cylinder. Adjust brake adjustors all the way in, tap shoes to be centred top to bottom against back plate then offer up drum.


This shows which hole on the shoe to use. Sorry I don't have more for you.

01-18-2013, 06:10 PM
I initially thought you were referring only to the front brakes but perhaps you re referring to font and rear brakes.

If you need help with the 109 rears I have a web page with pictures. 109 rears are easy to screw up if you do not get the correct shoe in the correct location.


01-18-2013, 07:47 PM
TeriAnn's pretty much described the ideal procedure for levering the shoes onto the slots with the springs already attached. With that question answered, I might add...

...that on occasion I've found it helpful to throw out a few cuss words when things aren't working out quite as smoothly as you've envisioned the whole procedure in your mind. This is especially true when doing the handbrake shoes.

01-18-2013, 07:58 PM
Thanks for the reply... I had the spring hooked up like you showed in the pic and I thought it might be as simple as levering it back into place, but I thought better to ask than to break something and be sorry.

Thanks again for your help. Will hopefully have success in finishing tomorrow...