View Full Version : Parking Brake Drum Removal

03-16-2014, 12:44 PM
Hi to all

I am having a tough time getting the drum off of the parking brake of the Series III. The driveshaft and all retaining bolts are removed. The brake adjuster is backed off and the drum spins freely with the trans in neutral. I thought that there were a couple of retaining screws but all I see are 2 empty holes that go right into the brake itself. No option for the trick of threading in a bold to push the drum out, as neither of these holes are threaded.

I do have a spare drum so am ok with damaging the one that is currently on but would certainly prefer to remove it the right way. Any advice (or sympathy) would be appreciated.


03-16-2014, 04:40 PM
they can be a PITA to get off. I rapped on the edge with a hammer as I rotated it to get one stubborn one off. Like you noted be sure the adjuster and expander are fully backed off.

03-16-2014, 08:31 PM
Spray some penetrating oil around each mounting bolt and where the drum meets the output flange. Let it sit and start in with a deadblow hammer around the face of the drum. If that doesn't work try heating up the drum around the mounting flange and a BFH!

03-19-2014, 11:14 AM
As was said, a little heat can help, so does the penetrating oils, and large hammer tool, swearing does a little as well,