View Full Version : Rear Driveshaft removal?

06-02-2014, 06:16 PM
Okay, I am trying to remove the rear driveshaft as I have a leaky seal allowing gear oil from the transfer case to flow into the hand brake drum and ruin the pads.
How do you get those nuts off? There isn't any room to get a wrench or socket in there. There are four nuts, I believe.
Thank you so much.

Oh- '60 Series 2 SWB

06-02-2014, 06:55 PM
You can't get them off from the end that's pinched by the downward angle of the driveshaft. You have to get them off from the side opposite.

Use a wrench on the forward side and a socket, long extension and a ratchet on the rearward side and you'll do just fine using this procedure:

Chock both sides of both front wheels

Jack up one rear wheel so the driveshaft can spin freely

Release the handbrake and put the transfer case in neutral (you did chock those front wheel, didn't you?)

Go through the hole under the middle seat so you can see what you're doing and remove each fastener, one at a time, rotating the driveshaft till each fastener is in about the 12:00 position.

It's pretty much the same for the differential end except that you'll be under the truck taking the fasteners off from the 6:00 position.

Don't forget to set the handbrake and red lever when you're done.

06-03-2014, 03:32 PM
Wow, makes sense will give it a go. Thank you so much!!