View Full Version : wire melt

07-31-2014, 09:20 PM
okay, took it out for a drive tonight. it seemed hot, but water was 72c and oil at 40 lb
wire burned or arced starting at the starter solenoid
I am not much of an electrician

later here so will try and trace it in the morning. I am sure the wiring is old and prob needs a new loom. any options?

'60 series 2 2.5 liter

08-01-2014, 10:29 PM
Only 2, do it your self by buying all the correct wires you need or, http://www.britishwiring.com/ unless our hosts have something you want. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle is your friend. Could just be a loose wire at the starter?


I Leak Oil
08-02-2014, 06:04 AM
Not trying to be rude but why don't you find out what the problem is first, perhaps provide some info on it then ask for advice and options? You're much more likely to get quality advice by providing more detailed information about the problem.

But....in general the wiring on these trucks is dead simple. Can be repaired easily enough and if needed new harnesses are available.

08-04-2014, 07:57 AM
okay, took it out for a drive tonight. it seemed hot, but water was 72c and oil at 40 lb
wire burned or arced starting at the starter solenoid
I am not much of an electrician

later here so will try and trace it in the morning. I am sure the wiring is old and prob needs a new loom. any options?

'60 series 2 2.5 liter

I'd trace the melted wire and see if there is something obvious that happened. You don't necessarily need a new loom because of one short. As vehicle wiring goes people are right, these are simple - but that doesn't mean it won't be daunting. Get a wiring diagram and start matching the colors, you will start to understand it.
Or realize that the wiring has been messed with soooo much that a wiring diagram will give you what SHOULD be there not what is there.

08-04-2014, 04:30 PM
Thank you for providing the most helpful and polite response. I am still new to this stuff, but so appreciate everyone's kind words. i did replace the offending wires and have decided that since the years have not been kind to my wiring I should replace all. For now, however, it is running well. I don't trust it as far as I can throw it however. :)9956

08-04-2014, 06:14 PM
Where's the adventure in driving a Rover that definitely won't suddenly and unexpectedly fill the interior with acrid whit smoke or start a small fire in the engine bay at the worst possible time? Sheesh...


BTW--I see you've "cracked the code" on posting pictures right-side up--Nice 88! :D

08-05-2014, 06:40 AM
To borrow (re-write) a line from Samuel L. Jackson in the movie "Jackie Brown"...

You can't trust (a Land Rover) but you CAN trust (a Land Rover) to be (a Land Rover).

08-05-2014, 08:18 AM
Before you pull the wires inside the chassis out make sure you attach them to something that allows you to pull the new wires through or attach the new wires to the old wires when you pull them through.

08-05-2014, 09:53 AM
Okay, going to take it slow and install the new loom. Thanks guys for the support.

And SafeAirOne I just stand on my head to take the photos now :)