View Full Version : When is a riding mower like a Series Rover?

05-07-2015, 01:18 PM
well . . . it does leak oil BUT thats not what I am referring to.

Last night I mowed the lawn for the first time with the 'new to me' riding mower. At some point it started coughing, spitting running rough etc . . . and then it just died. I had plenty of gas.

It would briefly start back up and then die again. It would kind of run with the choke on.

Looked to make sure there wasn't an electrical issue and then noticed that if I moved the gas line I could change the amount of 'air' in the filter.

Then I undid the gas cap and a bunch of gas went through the filter . . . the gas cap had been on too tight and had created a vacuum.

05-08-2015, 09:13 AM
Hmmm, if you have a vacuum and wiggling the fuel line let air in, i'd change the line or look at the clamps, fittings etc.....funny, I am in the middle of rehabbing a late 70's IH Cub 782 as a backup for my newer but somehow less reliable box store garden tractor.

05-08-2015, 03:46 PM
Wiggling didn't let air in but allowed 'flow' of gas to exchange with air - which told me that the filter wasn't clogged. Once I undid the gas cap you could see more gas go through the filter.

That being said . . . the gas line is a bit dry and needs to be changed - but not for current leakage reasons . . .

05-09-2015, 07:33 AM
Check the gas cap to see if the vent hole has become clogged with "tin worm residue" rust!! had similar problem with my 72 Wheelhorse snowblower this winter, run great then quit, restart, run for a while quit. Dragged it back to the garage, trying to diagnose, look down, what is that gap between the carb mount and the block?? mounting screws had backed out. A little loctite and good to go, bring it on Winter, we are ready for you!!