View Full Version : Registering a defender 110 in NYS

04-14-2016, 02:26 PM
Hi Everyone-new to this forum and have just purchased a 1998 Defender 110 TD. It is on a boat now and looking to register it in NY when it arrives, which according to our customs agent is the worst state to register a foreign vehicle. Anyone have recent experience? Since 2014 apparently it needs verification that it passed emissions test in the UK, even if it is exempt from the federal EPA. I have had the dealer write a letter to state the same and try and get him to pass the recent MOT we had done to the shipping agent where it would verify this-but notoriously our DMV in NYC has appauling customer service/experience so they may not accept it anyway, as they won't understand it. Is there a specific document this should be on ? I have tried to find something on their website to no avail. Any advice appreciated! best, fiona

04-20-2016, 04:10 PM
You may want to join the http://www.defendersource.com/ forum and ask that question on that site. They have lots of people who actively import and register trucks. They have a whole section on importing. I tried to buy a truck from a guy in NY a few months back and he gave up after months of waiting and registered in at his parents in FL. He said it took only 1 hr at the DMV in FL. Good luck

04-20-2016, 04:26 PM
thanks so much! i will do.