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View Full Version : Found in the junkyard

09-25-2007, 08:21 AM
Went to the local junkyard last Friday trying to find some kind of seat to put in the Series III and found this: http://galenlentz.spaces.live.com/?_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaHandler=TWljcm9zb2Z0LlNwYWNlcy 5XZWIuUGFydHMuUGhvdG9BbGJ1bS5GdWxsTW9kZUNvbnRyb2xs ZXI%24&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaFolderID=cns!B39A0577063D37F5!1 07&_c11_PhotoAlbum_startingImageIndex=2&_c11_PhotoAlbum_comment***pand=0&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentExpand=1&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentFocus=1&_c=PhotoAlbum

I offered to buy it and he told me to come back this week after he thought about it. The story is the junkyard is also a garage and someone brought it in about 1981, decided not to pay for repairs and it was towed into the junkyard. He must have liked it because he didn't park it with all the other cars, it was sat all by itself in the woods at the edge of the yard.

09-25-2007, 08:28 AM
I posted a response on the 'other' board about this - but what a great find. I'm jealous.

I'm curious why it has all the signs of a '67, but has the intake for the Kodiak in the front....

09-25-2007, 08:31 AM
looks pretty straight and original. someone save it from the wannabee dreamer! sad how many perfectly good cool vehicles sit outside and rot away because someone thought they had what it takes to rebuild it, then just let it sink back into the earth.

Went to the local junkyard last Friday trying to find some kind of seat to put in the Series III and found this: http://galenlentz.spaces.live.com/?_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaHandler=TWljcm9zb2Z0LlNwYWNlcy 5XZWIuUGFydHMuUGhvdG9BbGJ1bS5GdWxsTW9kZUNvbnRyb2xs ZXI%24&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaFolderID=cns!B39A0577063D37F5!1 07&_c11_PhotoAlbum_startingImageIndex=2&_c11_PhotoAlbum_comment***pand=0&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentExpand=1&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentFocus=1&_c=PhotoAlbum (http://galenlentz.spaces.live.com/?_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaHandler=TWljcm9zb2Z0LlNwYWNlcy 5XZWIuUGFydHMuUGhvdG9BbGJ1bS5GdWxsTW9kZUNvbnRyb2xs ZXI%24&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaFolderID=cns%21B39A0577063D37F5 %21107&_c11_PhotoAlbum_startingImageIndex=2&_c11_PhotoAlbum_comment***pand=0&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentExpand=1&_c11_PhotoAlbum_addCommentFocus=1&_c=PhotoAlbum)

I offered to buy it and he told me to come back this week after he thought about it. The story is the junkyard is also a garage and someone brought it in about 1981, decided not to pay for repairs and it was towed into the junkyard. He must have liked it because he didn't park it with all the other cars, it was sat all by itself in the woods at the edge of the yard.

09-25-2007, 08:43 AM
looks pretty straight and original. someone save it from the wannabee dreamer! sad how many perfectly good cool vehicles sit outside and rot away because someone thought they had what it takes to rebuild it, then just let it sink back into the earth.

You are almost literally right, the wheels are sunk half way into the ground. I'll be afraid to move it for fear of the force it will take to move versus the rusty frame. I have nightmares of breaking it in half.

09-25-2007, 08:46 AM
You are almost literally right, the wheels are sunk half way into the ground. I'll be afraid to move it for fear of the force it will take to move versus the rusty frame. I have nightmares of breaking it in half.

I fear the same thing w/ my gray Rover that has partially sunk in the last few months. I'm going to move it this fall to sturdier ground, and the suggestion that I've gotten is to hook a chain to both front and rear axles together so that it doesn't come apart....probably a good idea for you too if this works out for you

LH Drive
09-25-2007, 08:55 AM
I (http://I) offered to buy it and he told me to come back this week after he thought about it.

Yep, right now he is googling and searching E-bay for '67 Land Rover trying to find out what's the most he can get for it $$$$
At least you know what a full trop top sells for, jump seats, set of front wings and that cool breakfast grill can fetch some decent cash on e-bay.

LH Drive
09-25-2007, 09:04 AM
You are almost literally right, the wheels are sunk half way into the ground. I'll be afraid to move it for fear of the force it will take to move versus the rusty frame. I have nightmares of breaking it in half.
I would remove the good wheels on my drivable Series Rover and swap them on the parked Rover. Back off the brakes via the adjusters so the wheels will free roll reducing any stress on the frame while you load it on a flat bed trailer.

09-25-2007, 09:10 AM
I (http://I) offered to buy it and he told me to come back this week after he thought about it.

Yep, right now he is googling and searching E-bay for '67 Land Rover trying to find out what's the most he can get for it $$$$
At least you know what a full trop top sells for, jump seats, set of front wings and that cool breakfast grill can fetch some decent cash on e-bay.

Don't I know it. I just hope he doesn't see restored ones and think his pile of parts is worth the same. He told me a guy came once to buy parts off of it and he wouldn't sell them, kept it whole so he must have seen some kind of vision for the truck.

09-25-2007, 10:28 AM
kept it whole? it is missing a few pieces. most notably the oil filler cap. sigh. hate to think what has found its way down that tube.

Don't I know it. I just hope he doesn't see restored ones and think his pile of parts is worth the same. He told me a guy came once to buy parts off of it and he wouldn't sell them, kept it whole so he must have seen some kind of vision for the truck.

09-25-2007, 11:36 AM
sigh. hate to think what has found its way down that tube.


09-25-2007, 11:48 AM
if it's anything like my '65, I think you'd have many hours of engine-unsticking in your future if you kept that one..

09-25-2007, 12:02 PM
No worries, my local friend just pulled his engine for a diesel swap and has already offered it to me. I have a IIa transmission I am picking up in Baltimore.

If I get it, I will sell my III, buy a frame and all the bits. Get a rolling frame going, then swap over the body and what not. Makes it sound easy, but I know it won't be.

09-25-2007, 12:34 PM
As nice and original it is it's not worth anymore than $500 in my opinion.
If the current owner decides to sell it he's off his rocker to ask anymore than that.Way too often they have a quick look in Hemmings etc to "value" the truck and figure they're sitting on a goldmine.

09-25-2007, 12:51 PM
As nice and original it is it's not worth anymore than $500 in my opinion.
If the current owner decides to sell it he's off his rocker to ask anymore than that.Way too often they have a quick look in Hemmings etc to "value" the truck and figure they're sitting on a goldmine.

I disagree. Yes I have a limit and I am not stupid enough to pay a premium dollar, but the top alone is worth $500. All the vents worked and a pressure wash would do away with the grime.

I offered him more than $500 because of his reluctance to sell. IMO it is worth far more in my hands being restored than rotting away because I wasn't willing to pay for it.

Furthermore he's a scrap yard too. I bet that truck is worth WAY more to him as a hunk of aluminium than any amount I offer. So what's worth more? Walking away b/c he won't sell for $500 or letting it get crushed?

09-25-2007, 12:54 PM
no chance he'll see this thread, right?

09-25-2007, 12:57 PM
Hope not!

IMO I could sell three things off that truck and make over $1000 with no work on my part what so ever. If I wanted too.

09-25-2007, 01:00 PM
As nice and original it is it's not worth anymore than $500 in my opinion.
If the current owner decides to sell it he's off his rocker to ask anymore than that.Way too often they have a quick look in Hemmings etc to "value" the truck and figure they're sitting on a goldmine.

LWB wants it for himself!

09-25-2007, 01:01 PM
Hope not!

IMO I could sell three things off that truck and make over $1000 with no work on my part what so ever. If I wanted too.

that'd be ashame. that truck is really a find and should remain intact with just a new frame and little modification in my opinion. It's so rare to see one completely intact like that (even with the padding inside the top), and the color is great, even faded.

oh - I guess you should add a brake pedal too...

09-25-2007, 01:02 PM
Don't worry, If I get it, it will be restored not parted.

The brake pedal/tower was in the passenger floor....

09-25-2007, 01:03 PM
I still want to know why the heater intake is in the front...

09-25-2007, 01:44 PM
because it is a kodiak mk IV heater. that is where they draw the fresh air from.

I still want to know why the heater intake is in the front...

09-25-2007, 01:51 PM
because it is a kodiak mk IV heater. that is where they draw the fresh air from.

so the early trucks pulled from the front, then the mid-60's kodiaks pulled from the side, then they went back to the front again?

09-25-2007, 02:26 PM
"IMO I could sell three things off that truck and make over $1000 with no work on my part what so ever. If I wanted too."

Sorry for the pessimistic tone in my response,it's just that I've been down that road many times and though it all sounds good as far as making money on a truck in that condition by parting it (regardless of the ultimate goal you have to figure on a backup cut my losses plan)when you add up your time,sweat and busted knuckles it ain't so sweet.If the frame and bulkhead are toast the rest of the truck isn't far behind in the corrosion dept and then when your "finished" you have one colossal pile of parts to get rid of.

As far as restoring it and making a profit thats not likely going to happen either even if the Queen Mother herself once owned it.

"LWB wants it for himself!"

There was a day when that may have been true,albeit for $500 or less ;)

09-25-2007, 02:32 PM
so the early trucks pulled from the front, then the mid-60's kodiaks pulled from the side, then they went back to the front again?
Even at that it seems to me the early Kodiak intake was from the inside front of the actual wing (with ductwork contained inside upper fender)instead of through the breakfast.
Perhaps the engineers at Rover were going for the "Ram Air" effect on the Mark IV?

10-12-2007, 01:55 PM
so...what ever happened? Did you get the truck?

10-13-2007, 09:52 PM
so...what ever happened? Did you get the truck?

Not yet, he wants to look at it before he "decides" but everytime I go by he has been too busy to take a look. It's OK, I've got time and the stubborness to stay on him.

02-13-2008, 04:03 PM
any update yet? :)

02-14-2008, 07:40 AM
He has verbally agreed to sell it, but I am waiting till spring as the guy seems to have a new ice/snow/mud excuse everytime I go there. So I'll just wait till the weather is nice.

02-14-2008, 08:56 AM
Looks like an interesting find, and mostly all there and unmolested. I would suggest doing some serious poking at the bulkhead with a screwdriver or ice pick, however. Not to say that even with a bulkhead in need of major work it would not be a good project - the panels to restore the bulkhead are available, just a question of how much work is ahead.

Years ago, I went to look at an old Bug with a buddy of mine who was thinking of building a Baja Bug. The car was similar to this one in that it looked like it had not moved in a decade or more. We both opened the doors at the same time, and the car promptly folded in half, with the floor pan hitting the ground while the roof buckled. Didn't quite pass our inspection and we never did make it to Baja.

02-14-2008, 09:44 AM
To me this could be a clear case of someone that thinks they are sitting on a gold mine. I have met two types of "dead" Rover owners. One that wants too much because they think you want it so therefore others will want it too and those that really care to see the vehicle put back together and run. I hope he is #2 but ultimately it comes down to what you are willing to spend as no one should dump on you for spending what you feel it is worth to you. I wish you the best of luck because I'll bet that you will put it back on the road. Unfortunately human nature is to feel that no matter what they get they got screwed. I could tell stories about trying to find new NLA body panels because tha is the way I want to go and having people tell me that I should give up on my Rover because it is too far gone. I'll admit I have sold my share of parts that I did not need any longer and gotten more than I thought they were worth but it was up to the buyer to decide what that part was worth to them and bid accordingly. On the other hand I've also been given parts by folks that realized that I truly love Land Rovers and their part will keep my old girl on the road. I've given away parts because it was for me the right thing to do to help someone else. I hope you don't need to feel that you need to get approval from this board on what you spend. If you are happy with the deal you strike that is all that counts. I hope it all works out for you. Some times I think we Rover lovers are our own worst enemies. Just because others feel that it is worth less to them than to you doesn't make them right. Hope this makes some kind of sense.