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View Full Version : inside door handle broken!!

11-25-2007, 12:12 PM
the drivers side back door quit opening from the inside will open from the outside but the rod is still attatched inside the door we locked and unlocked the door and it didn't change help once again thanks:rolleyes: :confused:

11-25-2007, 06:19 PM
The door handles in general are not the highest quality that Rover
has ever made. I still prefer them as oppose to others partly due to the flat handle that cannot get snagged whilst offroad. I do not have any mind blowing wisdom as to why your issue occurs on your Discovery. However, I have taken the interior panel off for other reasons.

That is what you will have to do to understand what is either not catching or broke. Have extra tabs handy for re-installing the panel; because some will break when removing the panel. Bottom line is that this should not be a huge ordeal for you $$ wise and time to repair!


P.S. The Discovery Haynes manual is fairly good when tackiling issues like these. - Also, Call up Rovers North and mention your SNAFU and they may give you some insight which I cannot.

12-01-2007, 08:25 AM
Have you checked the child lock?
Open the door from the exterior (of course) and you will notice a small lever below the lock assembly on the door. Flip the switch and try again.