View Full Version : Ripped off! Arrgh.

05-14-2008, 08:35 AM
So, quite a few months ago I bought what was called a "professionally re-lined" tank for my 109. To save on the incredibly large shipping charges quoted (and because my other car was a volvo and quite cheap and reliable - something you never hear on a rover forum hah :D ) I drove a round-trip of about six hundred km to pick it up.

I got it installed in my truck about a month ago, filled it up, and found that all of the gas I'd bought fell right out the bottom again. And gas ain't cheap on Vancouver Island. So, I took it to a shop, had them take the tank out and send it to a rad shop who did compression tests, etc.

The rad shop informed me that the tank was "swiss cheese", and "a series of bad patching jobs covered in pretty paint", and that it had "basically disintegrated" when they were checking the seams. Verrrrrry frustrating for a poor university student like myself.

Anyway, just wanted to vent. I still have my fingers crossed that the guy will stand behind what he sells.

05-14-2008, 09:38 AM
If he doesn't stand up, you should post his particulars as a warning to others....buyer beware!

05-14-2008, 10:31 AM
Details... we need details.

There are too many honest vendors out there that stand behind their products and their work to have to put up with crooks.


05-14-2008, 01:58 PM
I just want to know who sells them, i've got the "in need of repairs" one, rusty, wleds coming apart, etc., i wouldn't mind a new one at all

Les Parker
05-14-2008, 04:11 PM
Our host sell those, although you would need to update the sender unit and fixings to the later Ser III style.

http://www.roversnorth.com/store/searchadv.aspx?SearchTerm=PLH650&Issubmit=True (http://www.roversnorth.com/forums/../store/searchadv.aspx?SearchTerm=PLH650&Issubmit=True)

05-14-2008, 06:15 PM
Well, whaddya know? Turns out the guy is willing to give me a refund after all. I guess all's well that ends well... Of course, now I have to buy a new tank. So, the tanks from here don't fit a stock Series II? I've been considering going with the under-seat tank instead of the big one, as well.... Is that going to be a problem? (there was one there previously).

05-15-2008, 11:53 AM
i put one under the drivers seat too and i'm thinking of putting a jeep type where my muffle used to be. this should give me about 38 us gal capacity or 400 mi range

05-15-2008, 12:47 PM
what about using a fuel cell ? if I remember right they are less than $300 I think one would fit under the seat, I need to jb weld a pinhole leak in my passenger tank

05-15-2008, 08:42 PM
i put one under the drivers seat too ...this should give me about 38 us gal capacity or 400 mi range

Or, to put it another way, about $140 fuel capacity (for now, anyway):(

05-16-2008, 09:49 PM
My Series III Shorland had bad tanks-I used the POR product to coat the entire inside-not a problem since.Easy to use (but must remove the tank) and appears to be lasting going on 8 years. Other methods-riveting new "skin" to exterior bad areas and resealing with the POR product on the interior, suggested for larger than pin hole sized holes. Aircraft fuel tank sealant also works miracles.Many types, but 1435 and 1422 commercial airline grade lasts forever.I am an airline sheetmetal mechanic so most non-aircraft metal jobs are a joy from the daily skin and spar structural repair grunge work.