View Full Version : Experience with Outlander Trailers?

01-25-2009, 08:37 AM
Does anyone own or have experience with an Outlander Trailer? I'm interested in the Sherpa model for towing behind my 64 IIA 88. I'd love to hear a testimonial for the Sherpa or with any other overland trailer product.

I emailed Outlander, but the address given on the site does not appear to be valid. Here's a link:




01-25-2009, 09:14 AM
I think you can build something similar or nicer for less. It looks like they just went down to the local trailer supply for the lock boxes fenders, lights and so on. You could put together a M416 like the one below for less money and have a better actual trailer:


01-25-2009, 09:28 AM
Hey Ike,

Bitchin trailer. Is it yours? How easily available are the M416 trailers?


01-25-2009, 09:53 AM
nope I just pulled that shot off google. They are fairly common. The M101,M100, M416-B, bantam, and all manner of foreign military trailers would make good platforms for adventure type trailers. This is my 416b unrestored:


01-25-2009, 10:24 AM
M416's are really common, as are the earlier US army trailers. Newer Canadian army M101 trailers are also readily available, they are all made tough as nails. you could also get a Brit army Sankey trailer if you wanted to start with one of those but they generally cost more.

If you shop around, hunt the swap ads, Craig's List, Ebay etc you should be able to find a 416 near you for $400-$500. Sometimes a lot less. Then use it as is or modify it as you see fit.

there is a forum on IH8MUD that is dedicated to trailers you might want to check it out- loads of good builds there:

01-25-2009, 10:47 AM
Great. Thanks guys. --Myron

01-25-2009, 01:04 PM
we bought one cheap and it works great behind our ambulance.

01-25-2009, 01:12 PM
I have a Bantam T3-C that is the "civilian" model of the military trailer. It does not have the handbrake and uses a standard hitch. The military ones have a pindle hitch. It is very light. I use it for trash and hauling fire wood. They are fairly easy to find. Also the wheel bearings are the same as early Jeeps.

01-25-2009, 02:15 PM
My father has a Bantam T3-C I think he paid $75 for it at a far auction a few years back- in very good shape considering th age. They are a nice trailer and a neat piece of history to have as well considering the history of Bantam.

01-25-2009, 03:41 PM
Check out the Expedition Trailer section on the forums of www.expeditionportal.com (http://www.expeditionportal.com). Lots of folks there have done m416 and other off road trailer builds. That's where the first m416 photo above came from. Tons of great ideas on that site.

I'm knee deep in a m416 build myself after trying unsuccessfuly to find a Sankey to go with my Rover.

I have some pics of mine in the link in my signature below.