View Full Version : HI THERE!

series 3 guy
03-17-2009, 10:16 PM
Hello! I have just moved from the UK back to the US for a year and have brought my series truck back home with me.I plan to go on plenty of adventures with her and see plenty of America before I have to move back to London.
I have been through Africa with her several times and have traveled Europe quite exstensivly with her as well. I am excited to have her her in the US! Well I pick her up at customs tomorrow anyway..... BTW,not a cheap exsperience with the EPA and Customs!!:rolleyes:
Anyway I look forward to having some questions answered as I have a few...Anyway nice meeting ya.-Andy

03-17-2009, 10:29 PM
Hi Andy. Welcome to the USA! Love the action shot through the mud. Suitable for framing!

series 3 guy
03-17-2009, 10:56 PM
Hi Andy. Welcome to the USA! Love the action shot through the mud. Suitable for framing! I wish I could take credit for that shot but I can't. Simon Hodder from Land Rover Enthusiast Magazine took it for a cover story on the truck last year in May. Thank you though...I agree,that is a good picture.

03-18-2009, 04:00 AM
Welcome my LRO Bro!

Jeff Aronson
03-18-2009, 07:14 AM
Let me know when you're traveling to Maine. There's a fine group of enthusiasts here who would enjoy meeting with you.


Tim Smith
03-19-2009, 01:49 PM
Let me know when you're traveling to Maine. There's a fine group of enthusiasts here who would enjoy meeting with you.

JeffQuit hogging the new guy, Jeff! :p

Andy, let us know about any major trips. This group seems pretty well spread out and if nothing else might be able to offer some travel advise. Join the birmabright brotherhood and then you might have a support crew if the beast should fail somewhere between here and Kalamazoo.

Welcome aboard!