View Full Version : This has turned into a real problem

06-10-2009, 05:57 PM
A week or so ago I posted my problem about being unable to get the hood to release. Had some good response. However, further investigation has revealed a more severe problem: the cable is working fine...it has come loose from what ever it was originally attached to to pop the hood. I can see it moving when I look up through the grill. I thought I could get a wire and catch the left side of the release and pull it so it would pop the hood, but I simply can't hooked with anything that will release the hood.
If I could ever get it open, I'm sure I can prevent it from happening in the future. Anyone have any ideas that could help me...I'm now starting to get worried about this problem.
Thanks for reading this.

06-21-2009, 07:18 AM
Might not want to hear this but you might have to cut around the latch on your hood.

06-23-2009, 09:56 AM
Getting in will be fun... if the cable has came off you can either go through the grill or take a sawzaw and try to cut the pin... either way it will not be fun.

After your done, get hood pins.