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01-22-2010, 08:35 PM
Any of you guys going to the Romp this year? I'm planning to make the trip down this year.

01-22-2010, 09:16 PM
Any of you guys going to the Romp this year? I'm planning to make the trip down this year.

Yep, sure am! We are heading up on Friday.

One RRC, one LW, one Series 3 and I think a Series 2a, ALL leaving from CT

Look for the Ct plates!


01-23-2010, 07:04 AM
We will be driving up from Deep River CT on Friday. It is a great event.

Jeff Aronson
01-23-2010, 07:13 AM
I'll be traveling off the island on Friday, February 12, and heading northwest to Unity that day.


01-23-2010, 07:21 AM
I'll be traveling off the island on Friday, February 12, and heading northwest to Unity that day.



I'm going to pass you again!

I'll buy the first round.


01-23-2010, 08:41 AM
Where and when are you all leaving from CT?

01-23-2010, 08:50 AM
Ok can anyone give me some details on the winter romp, when, where , what?

Jeff Aronson
01-23-2010, 09:27 AM
For Romp information, check out their website (http://www.winterromp.org). It's February 12-15 this year.

Kevin, you're on! I'll meet up with your in Waterville.


Tim Smith
01-23-2010, 09:46 AM
I may leave late Thursday night or very early Friday. Either way you'll probably pass me too. :p

01-23-2010, 11:19 AM
I'm planning on driving my 2A down leaving friday morning from Saint John. Some friends from Nova Scotia are planning to meet me in the morning to convoy the rest of the way down. We should be there sometime late afternoon/early evening.

Any of you guys staying at the Holiday inn?


01-23-2010, 12:07 PM
I am planning on attending again. This year actually in a rover lol. Last year a wheel bearing and family issues kept the series home. Looking to leave from Southeast CT with a range rover and maybe some discos Friday mid-day or early afternoon (school gets out at 2)


01-25-2010, 12:35 AM
I am leaving thursday afternoon from southern CT in a red disco, see you all there.

01-25-2010, 12:39 PM
What the falling weather outlook for the Romp? I hear it is raining really bad right now and that things are expected to be a solid block of ice by Romp'in time.

Bruce Fowler
01-25-2010, 02:13 PM
What the falling weather outlook for the Romp? I hear it is raining really bad right now and that things are expected to be a solid block of ice by Romp'in time.


Never have trail conditions repeated themselves over the years.

Way... way to eary to tell what trails will be like.

Infact, trail conditions change every couple of hours or so...

All will be well out there come romp weekend.


Jeff Aronson
01-25-2010, 02:40 PM
It's raining and blowing hard here off the coast, but there is a LOT of snow remaining on the ground. And inland, there was a lot more snow to start with!

Bruce would know best, but I echo his comment; you never know what the Romp conditions will be until you're out on the trails :). It would be hard to beat last year with lots of snow, sunny clear day, and reasonable winter temperatures. The Romp has also had years of bitter cold conditions with little snow, far too much snow, and warm temperatures that have melted the "permafrost" and created vast tracts of bog!


01-25-2010, 09:55 PM
OK ... OK... OK... I sound a little like a sally - but I am actually excited to test this out - it will be like my own little TOP GEAR trip to the North Pole.

01-27-2010, 04:51 PM
One of my Prof's just told us that we're going to have a midterm Saturday the 13th of February. So now I can't make it.

I think I'm cursed...


Tim Smith
01-27-2010, 05:01 PM
One of my Prof's just told us that we're going to have a midterm Saturday the 13th of February. So now I can't make it.

I think I'm cursed...

I bet if you plead your case to the professor, you might be allowed to take it early.

Jeff Aronson
01-27-2010, 05:15 PM
What's the course? I'm sure we can come up with a thesis that would involve your participation in the Romp.


01-28-2010, 06:26 AM
I'm considering coming, and perhaps doing some of the "softer stuff". I have the gear required, but I don't have recovery points on the front or rear of the rig yet. The galvy frame is solid though. Will this be enough? How rugged is the trek? I saw some videos on youtube that have me a little concerned. My rig is a standard 1966 IIA, which I don't want to destroy. I also don't have a CB yet.

Jeff Aronson
01-28-2010, 08:14 AM
My II-A is quite stock and I've been able to get through the course several times without damage. All the trails have bypasses built into the route - you don't have to do sections that make you uncomfortable. The videos posted of the event are often taken on the most extreme trails, which are identified in advance so Rompers can choose their preferred experiences.

I've seen fully restored Series Rovers particpate, completely stock, and be quite successful. Since their owners did not want to trash their cars, they chose the simpler but challenging trails, with far less chance of damage. No matter what the trail, you're going quite slow in woods, so body damage is far less likely.

I've also gotten stuck several times, to the delight of enthusiasts who either have towed/winched me out or watch the proceedings. It's part of the Romp experience and a great way to improve your own skills. Sometime the trails get so rutted up that your Rover gets "high centered" - the frame rests on the snow/ice as the tires spin in the air. Except for maybe a lift kits, there's no "fix" for high centering, It can happen to any Rover, regardless of how it's kitted out. Someone gives your car a yank with a tow rope or a haul out with a winch.

If you have a solid frame, then you have "recovery points" at your front spring hangers and at your rear crossmemeber [the PTO hole} Mounting rings on the front bumpers or a pintle hitch at the rear makes the recovery task easier, that's all. If you have a high lift jack of any sort, and a tow strap and shackle, then you're all set. Lots of participants have winches and straps and they'll be happy to help you. Many have helped me in the past, too :).

Tires are the biggest help. If you have only "all season" tires on your Rover, then you'll have more problems, regardless of the other equipment you have on your car - unless you have chains. You'll want an agressive mud and snow tire, and you're going to air down the tires to 10 - 15 psi anyway. There's an air pump at Bruce Fowler's shop to bring the tire pressure back up at the end of the day.

A CB and/or handheld radio makes things more fun, but if you don't, you'll be put in a convoy with people who do so you're not out of communication.

Trails that have the potential for damage are identified as such in advance. The entire convoy is broken up into smaller groups that travel trails based on your experiene level and equipment level. Listen at the drivers meeting on Saturday morning and you'll find the group right for your equipment and confidence level.

Hopefully, you'll come to the Riomp!


01-28-2010, 11:51 AM
Thanks Jeff for setting my mind at ease. I assumed everything you stated, but hearing it from a past participant makes me more comfortable in planning to attend, and knowing I will have a great time. In watching the videos (I know extreme videos always make the cut) I was a little concerned that it was a bit over the top for what I plan to do with MY rover!

01-28-2010, 11:54 AM
Its one of my core Engineering courses which I put off till my last year. I tried everything but it's a no go.. Was really looking forward to going this year


01-28-2010, 12:50 PM
If you have a solid frame, ...

A what?

01-28-2010, 02:21 PM
LOL Amcordo, I know it is a rarity, but they do exist. Are you planning on driving up from Ohio for the event? If so, I'd like to put a request in for a blonde.

01-28-2010, 02:32 PM
Not this year, but in the near future yes. I need to get a new galvanized frame before I do anything intense like this. I already sized up a new engine and transmission (Vortec 3700 from a hummer & aisin manual transmission from a gm Canyon) and am in the process of building a completely modern relay/fuse/wiring system for the whole car so I'm getting closer and closer to when I take off two or three weeks in a row, don't sleep, and just do everything. $300.00 saved up, $9,700.00 to go!

LOL Amcordo, I know it is a rarity, but they do exist. Are you planning on driving up from Ohio for the event? If so, I'd like to put a request in for a blonde.

Jeff Aronson
01-28-2010, 02:39 PM
One year a fellow from Maine attended in a Series Rover and pushed his car quite hard. By the end of the weekend he found he had a crack in his frame above the front wheel on one side. The crack was so severe that the two parts came close to splitting. His solution was to bum a comealong and connect it to frame holes in each side of the rail. He then tightened up the comealong and drove home to southern Maine.

I understood that he made it just fine and he has returned in subsequent years :).


01-31-2010, 08:05 PM
OK, well I am new to the North East (sort of) and am heading out from way-way upstate NY towards MAine in my rattle trap series III. Where is the best place to meet up with someone on the 12th to find my way there. Going North and heading into Maine through Canada. Would rather car pool for safety sake.

02-01-2010, 03:50 AM
OK, well I am new to the North East (sort of) and am heading out from way-way upstate NY towards MAine in my rattle trap series III. Where is the best place to meet up with someone on the 12th to find my way there. Going North and heading into Maine through Canada. Would rather car pool for safety sake.

I'm not sure exactly when or where, but Justin from Lucky 8 LLC (vendor of off-road upgrades for our coiled bretheren) I believe is from upstate NY and will be attending romp. You may have to travel south to meet up with another convoy. Best of luck to you and see you in 2 weeks! :thumb-up:


Bruce Fowler
02-01-2010, 04:14 AM
OK, well I am new to the North East (sort of) and am heading out from way-way upstate NY towards MAine in my rattle trap series III. Where is the best place to meet up with someone on the 12th to find my way there. Going North and heading into Maine through Canada. Would rather car pool for safety sake.

Try Posting your request on Winter Romp or OVLR forum, might
connect you with the folks traveling from the great white north.

Also a heads up if dropping down from Canada into Maine. I think the gas
station in Eustis closes at eight during the winter. Make sure you refuel in
Sherbrooke. The next stop is Madison a little over a hundred miles from
your Canadian stop.

Wouldn't want you to repeat one attendees camping experence at the Eustis
gas staion in minus thirty degree weather.

02-01-2010, 07:33 PM
OK, well since I'm only about 30 miles from the border going south around the Adirondacks is the long way around. Were as going up through Canada is nearly 160 miles shorter, hence 1 tank of petrol less both ways. Plus, I like driving in Canada just because my RHD rover stands out. I may bring my 3-wheeler and the 109-trailer behind me so I can carry extra stuff. Well see my clutch keeps needing bled after I get hard freezes. So I may have to take things apart that weekend. Thanks for the advice though.

02-13-2010, 05:28 PM
Here are some quick images....

02-13-2010, 05:34 PM
So jealous...next year maybe

02-14-2010, 06:34 AM
Went Romping with the guys yesterday, and had some good times. Trails were pretty tame due to the lack of snow, or maybe it was because the Rovers are so nimble. I enjoyed meeting a few from the board, and I am sure I saw many more, but I didn't go around asking what people's screen names were. Wish I was heading back up today, but the wife has other plans for me.

I learned a few new things about my rover too. Apparently I have a series II bulkhead on my IIA. Not a big deal, but it is all part of piecing the heritage of my rig together. Thanks to Mike from Portland for being the rivet counter for noticing this! After seeing his stunning 109, I think I have a little work to do on mine! One guy referred to Mike's rig as "pure p0rn" what a complement from one rover owner to another!

Also a big thanks to Jeff Aronson for being a great enthusiast. I am looking forward to seeing his write up in the next RoversNorth News!

Happy and safe rovering to all who venture out today!


02-14-2010, 09:28 PM
I rolled back into mystic about 3 hours ago afters stopping in gardiner to do some ice fishing, and kittery to admire the trading post and barbour outlets. 109 took the trip like a champ, not one cough or splutter. Thanks to all who helped organize and put on winter romp 2010!
