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View Full Version : New chassis

05-07-2010, 07:59 PM
HEEEHAAAA I got my new Marsland chassis today for my 73 series 3 88":D. All nice and shiny:cool:. Can't wait to start the swap and semi-restauration on my series.:thumb-up:


05-07-2010, 08:19 PM
Post pictures as your work progresses.

05-07-2010, 08:47 PM
And how much was the shipping to Baie-Comeau?

05-08-2010, 06:00 AM
The total bill was 4000$ canadian including the chassis, a set of parabolic springs, 4 new shocks, bushings for the frame, and new U-bolts. Deleivered to my door in Baie-Comeau. I bought the stuff from Land Rover Salvage in Ontario.

I had check with Rover North. It was cheaper. 1999$ for the chassis, +/-900$ for suspention kit...But adding the exchage rate (not good for me at that time) and shipping/freight, it was getting really close to LRS price. And custom fees and taxes where not added yet and it was kind of impossible to know how much I would have paid more adding that. So not knowing that number did make me scared a little.

I will have many parts to order to complete the job and will order some smaller parts from Rover North to see how exchange rate (pretty even now..), customs fees and taxes and shippping will cost me compare to places that sells parts in Canada. If it get cheaper at the end RN will have more order from me. But I did not took any chances at first with something as big an expensive as a chassis.

05-09-2010, 08:03 AM
Heres a bunch of pictures of the work in progress....






The new chassis...


And that's about it for now. I now have to paint the rear axle, put new seals and brake cylinder on it, rebuilt it and after that im going to start the work on the front axle.