View Full Version : DIY Snorkel

06-28-2010, 09:46 AM
Anybody done a DIY raised air intake/snorkel willing to share their plans. Seems like a simple process and materials. Thanks in advance.

06-28-2010, 10:00 AM
i haven't yet but these are some of the things i'm keeping in mind whilst i mentaly build mine. i want it routed up the outside of the wind screen such that it doesn't interfer with drop'n the windscreen and mine will come up out of the top of the wing, run parallel with the edge of the bonnet but not so close that it'll get in the way of sliding the bonnet off. it'll be anchored at one point to the windscreen hinge bolt and instead of a prefilter atop i was thinking an 8" round inside of them 9" round aluminin covers that the sand rail folks use that way i got no air box to build. all the pipe will be a custom bent one piece 3" pipe from a custom exhaust bending guy. i'm trying to keep bends to a minimum and the inner walls smooth

06-28-2010, 11:52 AM

But if you have a hole in the side fender...use it.

06-28-2010, 12:21 PM

But if you have a hole in the side fender...use it.

my wing hole brings fresh air into the kodiac besides i no longer have the oilbath filter, replaced it with a bigger bat tray for dual bats so i'm going out the left and not the side cuz that's just asking a tree, brush or rock to take it off