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View Full Version : New guy, let the hazing begin !

07-13-2010, 04:52 PM
Hello fella's,
I've been quietly stalking you guys in the shadows for over a year now and I've decided to come out.
I've got two steads that are eating me out of house and home. One is a 63' IIa SWB and a pretty good runner. My 71' IIa SWB is my donor vehicle. Much to my wifes dismay I'm completly obcessed with these machines. She will be glad I joined a self help group to help with my problem. There is recovery for us... isn't there?
Anyway, two questions to start this off. I'm swapping the front diffs out of the donor 88 into my good one. Should I get the proper seals or is the modern Black RTV gasket sealer acceptable for the main seal .
Second, I know the need for the proper brake fluid in these old beasts ,but can any DOT 4 SAE exceeding fuild work as long as it meets or exceeds say Castrol GT/LMA Dot 4. Does anybody know what make or spec come in our hosts (Rovers North) fluid.
Thanks in advance all you guys are awesome . I've learned so much off this site . I do wonder some times were some of you escaped from, but I would never turn you in .
Cheers Sean

07-13-2010, 05:12 PM
Greetings! Yes welcome to the forum. We all suffer from some sort of autopsychosis or another and no doubt you will be totally welcomed with your humor about it all.

I'd suggest Genuine seals and proper Land Rover brake fluid, available from stock.

http://www.roversnorth.com/store/images/Product/icon/LRNDOT4.jpg (http://www.roversnorth.com/store/p-16580-dot-4-brake-fluid-12-oz-land-rover.aspx)

07-13-2010, 07:43 PM
Calling this place a self help group isn't quite accurate. Most self help groups are trying to ween you off of something. This place is more like going to alcoholics anonymous and being given a bottle of rum at the door with Wednesday nights being discussing home brewing techniques :D

07-13-2010, 08:24 PM
Welcome Aboard!

Seals I'd say genuine

Brake fluid, as Thompson stated.

Nice Landys you got there.


If you want an easy way to get the wife on board buy her an old Landy of her own. Worked for another fellow.;)

07-13-2010, 08:41 PM
You may like this thread from another board too...

07-14-2010, 05:59 AM
Thanks guys,
I'll order the genuines today as well as more of the RN brake fluid. To bad it doesn't come in a larger amount than a pint.

Nium, that's a hilarious post on the other site. I now know I,m with "my people".
I have to go now, I haven't gazed over my landy yet today.:D

07-14-2010, 07:32 AM
My name is James and I am a Land-Rover owner, Have been since that faithful day in 1971 when I became addicted to a 1966 109 SW.We are still together.
Welcome to our world, As the Bork say.." Resistance is futile perpare to be assimulated" .:p
Jim Wolf

07-14-2010, 01:17 PM
Good call on doing the seals the right way, I find that generally works best and lasts the longest.

I see you rescued one from the notorious Land Rover Eating Tree-quite a dangerous beast that one.

Tim Smith
07-14-2010, 03:27 PM
My name is James and I am a Land-Rover owner, Have been since that faithful day in 1971 when I became addicted to a 1966 109 SW.We are still together.
Welcome to our world, As the Bork say.." Resistance is futile perpare to be assimulated" .:p
Jim Wolf
The Bork? Jim, you are not a worthy trekkie to make such a rookie mistake. :p

Welcome aboard Sean!

07-14-2010, 06:18 PM
Good call on doing the seals the right way, I find that generally works best and lasts the longest.

I see you rescued one from the notorious Land Rover Eating Tree-quite a dangerous beast that one.
Actually the bush swallowed one of my Rover Repo Crew members , we haven't heard from him since. His wife keeps calling to. At least the landy is now safe living in a loving ,caring ,nurturing home. That alone was worth the price of losing a dear friend.