Running fuel line and positive power line together

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  • mearstrae
    The Optima yellow had two dead cells in less than a year. I've heard of others that had similar problems with the Mexican made ones. On another note I have a friend who has a USA made one still in use after several years. As I am also a forestry volunteer, and my vehicles get a good work out in the mountain woods.

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  • linhofbiker
    Hot Rod Wiring:Painless wiring of your hot rod, truck or race car

    Thanks, found one on Ebay and bought it.

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  • linhofbiker
    Originally posted by mearstrae
    'Hot Rod Wiring:Painless wiring of your hot rod, truck or race car'. Look on Ebay or other and you should find it, although most wiring books will be a help. As for the Ultima battery, you'll be sorry for the purchase in a very short time. They aren't near as good as they started out, they are made in Mexico now and not in the U.S.(and are owned by a different company than originally)and are pretty much junk (I'll never use another one...). There are other similar sealed 'Mat' batteries that should be better, check on line sources. Check the off road stores or sights for the recommended battery charging system for such a high load charging of two batteries. Ages ago I had a two battery system for a winch and had a sort of dual regulator set-up. You could run a single battery with an inverter and be OK.
    I bought my first Optima about 5 years ago for about $189. I used it to test run the motor and then stored it away. I have re-charged it monthly and it still maintains 95% charge. So, I bought another from the same dealer for about the same price just last month. It also maintains a 95% charge. What was wrong with your battery?

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  • mearstrae
    'Hot Rod Wiring:Painless wiring of your hot rod, truck or race car'. Look on Ebay or other and you should find it, although most wiring books will be a help. As for the Ultima battery, you'll be sorry for the purchase in a very short time. They aren't near as good as they started out, they are made in Mexico now and not in the U.S.(and are owned by a different company than originally)and are pretty much junk (I'll never use another one...). There are other similar sealed 'Mat' batteries that should be better, check on line sources. Check the off road stores or sights for the recommended battery charging system for such a high load charging of two batteries. Ages ago I had a two battery system for a winch and had a sort of dual regulator set-up. You could run a single battery with an inverter and be OK.

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  • linhofbiker
    Originally posted by mearstrae
    The magnetic/fuel thing is pure non-sense in all its forms. Running a high amp cable next to a fuel line is just plain stupid and dangerous (more so off road). I can't see running two batteries unless you're sporting a winch, if so be sure your alternator is set up to charge two batteries. And be sure to put the battery(s) in a safe, well anchored enclosure (battery box). It seems you need to look for a book on basic automotive wiring (Hot Rod wiring), it may save you some real trouble down the road.
    Very good points. I can route the fuel line on the other side of the engine/gearbox. I assumed since the batteries are in parallel that the alternator would charge the same as with a single battery. Can you recommend a Hot Rod wiring book? Thanks. The Optima batteries are secured in an Optima box at the rear. No winch yet but maybe in the future. Another reason for 2 batteries is use of an inverter. It is hurricane season in Florida and I was thinking I could use the power in an emergency.

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  • mearstrae
    The magnetic/fuel thing is pure non-sense in all its forms. Running a high amp cable next to a fuel line is just plain stupid and dangerous (more so off road). I can't see running two batteries unless you're sporting a winch, if so be sure your alternator is set up to charge two batteries. And be sure to put the battery(s) in a safe, well anchored enclosure (battery box). It seems you need to look for a book on basic automotive wiring (Hot Rod wiring), it may save you some real trouble down the road.

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  • Running fuel line and positive power line together

    I seem to recall that running the fuel line and the positive lead from the battery to the starter motor together has good/bad effect on the fuel because of the magnetic field created around the positive lead, particularly with the high current involved. Is this an "old wives tale" or am I thinking of something else? BTW I am running 2 batteries in parallel at the back next to the fuel tank of my 1991 RRC based Tomcat and the fuel/battery cable seem to run naturally along the same path to the engine.
    Last edited by linhofbiker; 06-05-2019, 06:01 PM. Reason: additional info