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Thread: oil bath air cleaner ?

  1. #1

    Default oil bath air cleaner ?

    Ive got a busted latch on my bowl of my air cleaner...not much luck searching ebay or ebay UK..I dont need to drop hundreds of pounds to get a whole beat up one shipped over here. Anyone have any luck adapting a latch say from a modern air box or MAF, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    I live in the UK so probably not much help but as the originals are AC design, would GM sourced parts have something? There are similar over centre wire clips on some vehicles

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    it really shouldn't be too much of a challenge, most any over center clip will work but you'll have to take the air cleaner out, clean it, take the paint off and have the new clip brazed onto the air cleaner....... should be good for a life time. a oil bath is the very best way to filter air though it adds suction pressure to the engine. After Mt. Saint Hellens erupted a couple of us drove my S3 all the way around that mtn. there were stranded cars everywhere because their aircleaners had clogged and the engine eventually ingested too much silicone, ((very abrasive)) but the land rover made it, I doubt any other air cleaner would of made the trip without a few spares on hand !!!

  4. #4


    thx, Ill give Mcmaster-carr a whirl.

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