my 68 marshall ambulance is almost here. and eventhough i'll probably just run with the 2.25 petrol that's in it for a while, it will get torn down to the frame as money and time permit so i adventually want to go diesel. besides the 200td are there any others that will fit w/o a whole lot of mods? a benz, volvo, audi or cummings even?
what other dzl will fit?
thus far i've seen the benz and a small cummings, both nice jobs but the benz seems beyond my capabilities. i'm more blacksmith than machinist. i guess what i need to do is build a matrix to compare the cost to bhp gain of a few of these power plants'64 Series IIA 88 Canvas Tilt
'68 Series IIA RHD Ambulance
'76 Spitfire 1500
'07 LR3 (Series Recovery Vehicle)Comment
I believe MercedesRover will sell you the bellhousing adapter, and may be able to provide other assistance with the conversion.
Any conversion (diesel or otherwise) will be involved. The 200td will likely be among the most straightforward, though.Comment
I've done the Mercedes 240D swap courtesy of Jim Young/Series trek (photo attached I hope), and am in the middle of a 200TDi swap into a 109, and honestly you will be in for about the same amount of fab work for both conversions. Most of the fab on the Merc was motor mounts, not bad.......the TDi is one motor mount but then extensive reworking of the radiator mount/breakfast (whatever you want to call it). Jim Young is a HUGE help if you go the Merc route.
Good luck!Comment
the benz would be nice since i hear they run biodzl, dzl or veg oil with nearly no mods, i heard the 2.5d does too but heck i want a bit more horse not less. what fuel options are there with the 200tdi?'64 Series IIA 88 Canvas Tilt
'68 Series IIA RHD Ambulance
'76 Spitfire 1500
'07 LR3 (Series Recovery Vehicle)Comment
Go Cummins! Or i know where there is a scrapyard full of Bedfords with honking huge Perkins 6 cylinders in em!67 angry hamstersComment
local rove mech tells me those c4bt's are about 3 feet tall. seems you'd need loose the bonnet spare and fit it with a fake scoop. or at least clock it a bit'64 Series IIA 88 Canvas Tilt
'68 Series IIA RHD Ambulance
'76 Spitfire 1500
'07 LR3 (Series Recovery Vehicle)Comment
Some Cummins Rovers :
JL Morin's:
whole bunch of ways you can go, but a Land Rover 200 tdi will provide:
-good power/weight ratio
-clean, modern, good cold starting diesel
-quieter, faster warm up (if heat matters) than older diesels
-a land rover engine in a land rover
-bolt up to a Series gearbox
-engine mounts are straightforward, easy mod.
-no trouble with axle or bonnet heights
-parts are easily available
-can get a Disco engine cheap in Uk or often here (I sold several last summer for $1400)
-can buy the twisted turbo exit from suppliers in UK to fit in Series if you have RHD
-or can go non turbi -200di and have an easy fit if RHDComment