where can you have small parts re-galvanized??

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  • michelle
    Low Range
    • Dec 2015
    • 51

    where can you have small parts re-galvanized??

    Is there a place in the U.S. that will re-galvanize small quantities of parts? Has anyone actually physically removed the galvanized bits and pieces from the exterior of a Land Rover, sent those parts out to be re-galvanized, and then got them back with new zinc all over them? If so, what was the name of the company that did the deed and were you pleased with the results??
    I'm not having any luck funding a local plater who will even try!
    Thank you,
  • o2batsea
    • Oct 2006
    • 1199

    Took all my stuff to Baltimore Galvanizing. First 500lbs is 250. second 500 lbs is 250 so if you have 501 lbs it will cost 500. Plan accordingly. Sometimes you can group with another person and split the costs.

    For really small stuff, you can set up your own benchtop zinc electroplating. There are several websites that cover this including electrolyte recipe.


    • parrie
      2nd Gear
      • Jun 2012
      • 217

      There are a number of places across the country Where are you located?


      • TedW
        5th Gear
        • Feb 2007
        • 887

        Originally posted by o2batsea
        Took all my stuff to Baltimore Galvanizing. First 500lbs is 250. second 500 lbs is 250 so if you have 501 lbs it will cost 500. Plan accordingly. Sometimes you can group with another person and split the costs.

        For really small stuff, you can set up your own benchtop zinc electroplating. There are several websites that cover this including electrolyte recipe.
        I had my hinges zinc electroplated at New England Chrome Plating / 63 Thomas St. East Hartford CT 06108. 860-528-7176 (Dean was the very helpful guy who handled my job). I think I paid around $70 10 years ago for 4 hinges. With this process the zinc is thinner than hot dip, and also stays shinier over time than hot dip does. That said, my hinges have held up great after 10 years of salty roads and salt air (I live on the ocean). No rust through at all.


        • cedryck
          5th Gear
          • Sep 2010
          • 836

          Originally posted by TedW
          I had my hinges zinc electroplated at New England Chrome Plating / 63 Thomas St. East Hartford CT 06108. 860-528-7176 (Dean was the very helpful guy who handled my job). I think I paid around $70 10 years ago for 4 hinges. With this process the zinc is thinner than hot dip, and also stays shinier over time than hot dip does. That said, my hinges have held up great after 10 years of salty roads and salt air (I live on the ocean). No rust through at all.
          What type of preparation did you have to do to the pieces?


          • TedW
            5th Gear
            • Feb 2007
            • 887

            Originally posted by cedryck
            What type of preparation did you have to do to the pieces?
            I don't recall - I think I may have just cleaned them up and sent them. I don't have a sandblaster, so I'm sure it was nothing that extreme. I would give Dean a call and ask him. They are experts at refinishing classic car parts and have a pretty good website. I remember that the process was very easy.


            • michelle
              Low Range
              • Dec 2015
              • 51

              I am in central lower Michigan and you would think with all the automotive manufacturing around here I could find a place, but no! The one shop I could find that does do galvanizing is about 2 hrs. away and only does large bulk commercial runs, so they were not interested in "..a small side job".


              • o2batsea
                • Oct 2006
                • 1199

                Here in the DC area we use either Baltimore Galvanizing or this other place down in Virginia. If you want to ship your stuff to me I can get it done for you. I have to take my bumper and sliders sometime soon, so let me know if you want in on a galvy run.
                For best results you want this stuff cleaned of oil rust and paint since the galvy people will not take any time to clean or prep the parts other than to dip them in a quick bath before hitting the zinc tank.


                • michelle
                  Low Range
                  • Dec 2015
                  • 51

                  Thank You, o2batsea.
                  I really do appreciate the kind offer but I'm not at that stage yet. I'm just lining up a place for when I get to that point in the restoration of my sad little car, maybe in the fall. Right now I'm getting the diesel engine rebuilt, then I'll re-do the transmission (I already was gifted a nifty Rover-drive overdrive to bolt onto it!!). My goal is to have a drivable chassis with a solid bulwark by fall, then work on the body over the winter and early in that process is when I'll hopefully be needing a place to send the body trim to be recoated.
                  Thank you to and all others who responded to my plea!


                  • parrie
                    2nd Gear
                    • Jun 2012
                    • 217

                    Originally posted by michelle
                    Thank You, o2batsea.
                    I really do appreciate the kind offer but I'm not at that stage yet. I'm just lining up a place for when I get to that point in the restoration of my sad little car, maybe in the fall. Right now I'm getting the diesel engine rebuilt, then I'll re-do the transmission (I already was gifted a nifty Rover-drive overdrive to bolt onto it!!). My goal is to have a drivable chassis with a solid bulwark by fall, then work on the body over the winter and early in that process is when I'll hopefully be needing a place to send the body trim to be recoated.
                    Thank you to and all others who responded to my plea!
                    Best of luck w/ the rebuild...Any pics of your "sad little car"?


                    • o2batsea
                      • Oct 2006
                      • 1199

                      Triple any time estimates you have, then multiply by two.


                      • clearcut
                        2nd Gear
                        • Jul 2014
                        • 233

                        I used http://courtgalvanizinginc.com/

                        They are 60 miles west of Sacrmento..

                        $150.00 min..

                        If doing small parts, you need to drill a small hole in each item and wire the group together.

                        There site has lots of information on preparing your items.

                        1967 Land Rover 109
                        1966 Land Rover 109

                        Joshua Tyler


                        • marcjoseph
                          Low Range
                          • Aug 2014
                          • 3

                          There is also AZZ Galvanizing outside of Phoenix. Haven't used them yet, but they said the first ton would be $150. azz.com They have other locations and a locator by zip code. Maybe one is near you.

