how does one fix the ashtray door/cover so that it stays closed? I recently put in a new ashtray that had been missing- thinking that would keep the cover closed but it didn't....
ashtray door
RE: ashtray door
G'day Mate,
Assuming you are talking about a P38 here.... so which ashtray? The front one or the back?
They are spring loaded so I am sure you have to take that into concern as well when trying to install. I will check mine out but let us know which one... front or back.
Curly -
Ash Tray door
Mate I have tried seeing how the ash tray is kept shut but can't see anything. I think the locking portion is part of the hinge. You might be able to see if you take it out.
Sorry for not being much help. Just wanted you to know that I did look though.