Team Rover:

My '66 IIa has developed a whine over the last few months and I can't diagnose the problem. I realize, as a Rover owner, I must be accepting of some level of whining, coming from parts unknown but, because it's a new noise, I'm hoping I can get it to stop. It only occurs after I've been driving for 5 mins and only when I let off the gas. Once it starts, I can regulate the pitch of the whine based on how hard I depress the gas pedal. I've checked all the blogs and most whines are attributable to worn bearings, low oil levels, and/or bad thrust washers in the transfer box. It's possible, my problem is also connected to one of those maladies but, I've checked all those items. Because the whine happens regardless of what gear I'm in, is more time (theoretically heat) dependent (because it doesn't start until 5 mins into a ride), and stops abruptly when I turn off the ignition, I'm struggling to diagnose it. When I lift the bonnet and listen for it, I think it's coming from the top of the engine somewhere. The fact that it stops abruptly once the ignition is shut off makes me wonder if it could be something with the distributor although, I'm not sure why I can regulate the pitch by pressing the gas.

Any ideas?
